
Episode 121 Dealing with Debt in Retirement

You might dream of traveling, playing golf, or spending time with the grandchildren when you retire. You’re probably not dreaming about paying on your debt. Ideally, none of us would be worried about debt in our later years. The reality is that half of us will have debt in our retirement years.

This podcast is brought to you by Replay Fitness Feel Good Again.

For more information about Replay Fitness Feel Good Again, please visit our website at  Please email your comments about the podcast to us at [email protected]

Thank you for listening.  Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 120 Look Forward

Your scheduled retirement day has arrived.  You are free to live your life full out NOW.  Yes, it’s great to look forward to new adventures, to claim your bucket list items, or to simply exhale reveling in the ability to do nothing at all.

About a week before my last day at work, I was greeted with a surprise red carpet reception.  My co-workers really laid it on.  The carpet ran from the entrance to my suite of offices to my office door.  There were balloons all around.  I was presented with a tiara on pillow and a pageant-like sash, that read, “I’m Retired”.  Wow!  As if that wasn’t enough, my office was decorated with more balloons, streamers and other congratulatory items for a retiree.  What a wonderful way to start the day!

This podcast was brought to you by Replay Fitness Feel Good Again.

For more information about Replay Fitness Feel Good Again, please visit our website at  Please email your comments about the podcast to us at [email protected]

Thank you for listening.  Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 47 Enjoying RV Living with Jerri Jean Heywood

What is your dream home in retirement?  Is it a villa in Italy, a cottage on the beach, a cabin in the woods?

Our guest this evening and her husband have blended their love for traveling, adventure and making friends by living in a house on wheels.

Jerri Jean Heywood has been married to her retired Air Force husband, Scooter for 9 years. They have lived full time in their RV for about 5 of those years with their dog, Carlee.  Jerri Jean and Scooter began their RV life in Cooper City, Florida and made their way as far west as Palm Springs CA, and most recently as far south as Key West FL.  Jerri Jean loves water, beaches, and wildlife, especially in Florida!  She enjoys country music and live bands!  Jerri Jean and Scooter ride motorcycles, scuba dive, and enjoy the outdoors.  She loves cocktails with friends and helping dogs learn to be happy and well behaved.  Between the two of them, she and her husband have four grown daughters and seven grandchildren, who are their pride and joy!

Jerri Jean is also an Independent Stylist for Color Street, which provides a vast array of colors and nail art designs.  You can check out her offerings at

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 45 Choose Joy with Babs Plunkett

When was the last time you felt joyful? What have you done recently that’s contributed to your happiness?

Babs Plunkett is a passionate advocate for positive aging. To help herself and others live joyfully, she became a Life Coach and Certified Professional Retirement Coach. As the best-selling author of Choose Joy: Three Keys to Investing Your Time in Retirement, she interviewed over 100 people across the country, gaining their inspiration and insights on positive aging.

Babs said, “The original source of my passion for aging well was my crabby grandma who moved in with us when I was 13 years old and her unhappy presence made a lifelong impression on me.”

For the next four decades, Babs studied positive aging and paid attention to people who chose joy. She asked those who were living joyfully if they had always been that way. Were they upbeat as a kid or did they decide to be positive? Babs has indicated that she felt genuine relief to learn we’re not destined to crabbiness. Aging well is a choice. We can choose joy.

You can get more information about Babs Plunkett and Choose Joy at

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

 Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 39 The Cup of Glo’s Hot 10 Reading Recommendations to Enter 2021

The Vaccine is coming!  You’re getting ready for fun times again! Imagine, lounging in your cabana on the beach, with a book, from The Cup of Glo’s Hot 10 Reading Recommendations to enter 2021.  A couple of the authors have been our guests on this podcast, directly sharing knowledge with us.  Others are still on the list for invitations.  In either case, their written words are what’s happening now.

Title number 1 is:  Encore! A Boomer’s Guide to Rocking Your Retirement by: Marilyn Myrick Watson who was our guest on Episode 22.  You may recall Marilyn’s witticisms as she moved us through her stories. One statement on her book cover is: “This ain’t your grandma’s retirement.”  Oh, so true, Marilyn. That is so true.

Title #2 Escapades of a Belly Dancer Volume One – The Empath, by Belle South and Title #3 Escapades of a Belly Dancer Volume – Two – The Book of Dave, Online Dating Gone Bad, also by Belle South

Titles 2 & 3 are brought to us by Janis David who was our first guest, on the first episode of The Cup of Glo Podcast.  Janis is an extraordinary woman with an extraordinary zest for life.  Spoiler alert!  There’s an element of Steamy in each book.

Title #4 Don’t Forget Your Sweater, Girl, Sister to Sister Secrets for Aging with Purpose and Humor and Title #5 Don’t Forget Your Lipstick, Girl, Sister to Sister Secrets for Gaining Confidence, Courage, and Power. Both titles 4 & 5 were written by Dr. Marilou Ryder and Jessica Thompson. You will find terrific insights in each book and get nuggets of encouragement as you move through your aging processes.

Title #6 Happy Healthy…Dead, Why What You Think You Know About Aging is Wrong and How to get it Right by Noelle C. Nelson.  You will get many tips, stories, and resources about living happy and healthy regardless of age including highlights of individuals from age 65 to 117.

The next 2 books are about high-profile personalities who you may have seen in the media several times in 2020 and may continue to see during 2021.  Title #7 Lead from the Outside, How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change by Stacey Abrams and Title #8 Higher is Waiting by Tyler Perry.

The next and final 2 books may be for you, if you are considering starting a new venture or pivoting within your current activities in 2021. Title #9 Start Ugly, A timeless tale about innovation & change by Chris Krimitsos.  The message will help you overcome any fear of trying something new. Quite simply as stated on page 93, you don’t have to be perfect to start.

Title #10 Published: The Proven Path from Blank Page to Published Author by Chandler Bolt.  If you’ve made it this far, you’ve proven that you like reading books.  However, I believe that you many also have a desire to write your own book.  In fact, I know that you have a great book within you.  You are unique and your stories can inform, inspire, and entertain us.  This book is designed to help you write and publish your first book.

There you have it.  Our Hot 10 reading recommendations.  Send us your comments about them at

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 38 Aakeem Bennett – Honoring a Woman of Impact

If I were to ask you to talk about one woman who’s impacted your life who would you pick?  If someone were to recognize you publicly for the impact you’ve had on his or her life, how would you feel?

We’re in for a treat today as our guest Mr. Aakeem Bennett will honor the Milestone Diva who is a woman of impact in his life.

Aakeem Bennett is a young professional, in Tallahassee, Florida. He’s an accounting graduate and advocate for Flagler College-Tallahassee, where he established the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).  This group has gone on to place first in numerous speaking and business competitions nationally.

Aakeem is also a member of Toastmasters International and is active in Division H, in Tallahassee, where he practices speaking and leadership skills.  The Milestone Diva who he’s honoring is his mother, Gail Akins.

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 36 Your Retirement Mindset – Part 5 Counting Cash

What are some indicators of wealth you had growing up?

A friend asked me that question recently.

At first, I thought It’s all about money, Millions and billions of dollars.  If you define wealth as living in a mansion, owning a private jet and having a personal banker at your beck and call then my family was definitely not wealthy.  If you describe wealth as having enough food and clothing, comfortable housing, and loving parents then I experienced wealth growing up as well as continued the happy family life with my own kids.  The reality is, that your interpretation of wealth is unique to you.

Think about your ideas about money when you were in your twenties or thirties compared to your fifties and sixties.  The amount of cash, also known as money, is the greatest measure of success, wealth, and a fabulous life in our society.  However, counting your cash, flaunting it or even hording it does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

For that, you need to build relationships with family and friends, find hobbies and interests to explore or purpose your purpose.  Spend your retirement years using your cash to enjoy the life it can provide.  Ask yourself, how can I serve rather than how much cash do I have?

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. offering life transition and retirement coaching services.

Your transition may be a job change, divorce, widowhood, empty nest or retirement.  If you’re ready to own your power, feel good again or develop your retirement mindset, for your best phase yet.  Please join our waitlist at [email protected] to be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to:  Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 35 Your Retirement Mindset – Part 4 Choosing Comfort

Ray Lewis is attributed with the quote:

“Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.”

Are you cheating yourself or holding yourself back due to fear or getting too comfortable?  As you move through your 2nd or 3rd Act or 4th Quarter, open yourself to change, try new things, get out of your comfort zone.

The following are two quotes from anonymous, for your consideration:

“By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who you are truly capable of becoming.”

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. offering life transition and retirement coaching services.

Your transition may be a job change, divorce, widowhood, empty nest or retirement.  If you’re ready to own your power, feel good again or develop your retirement mindset, for your best phase yet.  Please join our waitlist at [email protected] to be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 34 Your Retirement Mindset – Part 3 Creating Contentment

Have you ever noticed that certain people seem to be content and in control all the time?  It seems as if stressful situations bounce off of them rather than knock them down.  Even in retirement they appear happy, joyful and free.  It’s never too late for you to have contentment in your life as well.

First, you need to start identifying what you want… and why you believe you will be happier if you have it. Will it really make you happy? Or will you just get it, have a temporary period of happiness, and then start desiring something else? After you identify your desires, the next step is to find out if they are YOUR desires or if you’ve been programmed to think you want them.

The good news is you have a choice. Happiness is a choice! You can learn to control your emotions so you can feel good NOW, no matter what’s going on in your life. I know, this sounds really hard. When things are going on around you that are painful or scary or stressful, it can be hard to find your footing and remember that there are things you can do to be happy in the moment while creating contentment for the longer term.

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. offering life transition and retirement coaching services.

Your transition may be a job change, divorce, widowhood, empty nest or retirement.  If you’re ready to own your power, feel good again or develop your retirement mindset, for your best phase yet.  Please join our waitlist at [email protected] to be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 31 Bobby Blackmon – Honoring a Woman of Impact

If I were to ask you to talk about one woman who’s impacted your life who would you pick? If someone were to recognize you publicly for the impact you’ve had on his or her life, how would you feel?
Our guest today, Mr. W.C. Blackmon possesses a world record in the sport of power lifting. He is also an Author, inspirational Speaker, Music Artist, and poet. He is the author of two books of inspiration; “mind Vision” and “Seeds to Unfolding: Release, Freedom, Power,” as well as a children’s book titled “Just Keep Going Rabbit.” He also has three highly streamed songs on the music charts; “Shanda,” “It’s a Secret No More,” and “Eighteen Years Old”.

He holds the honor of having spoken or performed at small local gatherings of both kids and adults, as well as large scaled events with audiences boasting more than a hundred different nationalities.
W.C. aka Bobby also takes great delight in being both a mentor as well as a protégé. With this in mind he says that it gives him great pleasure to be here to speak on an individual from whom he has had many opportunities to learn and thus grow into a better person.
Bobby has the unique distinction of being our first male guest. We’re so excited to speak with him, because he’s joining us to pay homage to a special lady who’s impacted his life.
How great is that?
Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. offering life transition and retirement coaching services.
Your transition may be a job change, divorce, widowhood, empty nest or retirement. If you’re ready to own your power, feel good again or develop your retirement mindset, for your best phase yet. Please join our waitlist at [email protected] to be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you! If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.
Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.