
Episode 119 Let’s Rewind to Choosing Happiness

For this episode we’re doing a bit of a rewind to Episode 87, Choosing Happiness.

It’s your natural state to be in joy, however it’s often covered up by limiting beliefs and programming.  Happiness is a choice.

This podcast was brought to you by Replay Fitness Feel Good Again.

For more information about Replay Fitness Feel Good Again, please visit our website at  Please email your comments about the podcast to us at [email protected]

Thank you for listening.  Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 34 Your Retirement Mindset – Part 3 Creating Contentment

Have you ever noticed that certain people seem to be content and in control all the time?  It seems as if stressful situations bounce off of them rather than knock them down.  Even in retirement they appear happy, joyful and free.  It’s never too late for you to have contentment in your life as well.

First, you need to start identifying what you want… and why you believe you will be happier if you have it. Will it really make you happy? Or will you just get it, have a temporary period of happiness, and then start desiring something else? After you identify your desires, the next step is to find out if they are YOUR desires or if you’ve been programmed to think you want them.

The good news is you have a choice. Happiness is a choice! You can learn to control your emotions so you can feel good NOW, no matter what’s going on in your life. I know, this sounds really hard. When things are going on around you that are painful or scary or stressful, it can be hard to find your footing and remember that there are things you can do to be happy in the moment while creating contentment for the longer term.

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. offering life transition and retirement coaching services.

Your transition may be a job change, divorce, widowhood, empty nest or retirement.  If you’re ready to own your power, feel good again or develop your retirement mindset, for your best phase yet.  Please join our waitlist at [email protected] to be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.