
Episode 70 Sheila Bennett Jackson-The lady can sing the blues

Our guest for this episode is Sheila Bennett Jackson who performs as Sheila B. Sexi, a new blues singer making the scene from Gadsden County Florida. Sheila has three beautiful daughters and two beautiful granddaughters.

Her single, “I Got Fired” captures the emotions of loss, that anyone can experience whether it’s a job loss or divorce, yet it is motivational and uplifting.

You can l find the song, I Got Fired by Sheila B. Sexi at

Search Sheila B. Sexi is on Facebook, and

Sheila B.Sexi Jackson (@toosexy929) on Instagram

For Booking: call (850) 966-0992 or [email protected]

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast. You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 69 Fun Days of Celebration in July for the Milestone Diva

How do you celebrate big national holidays?

Most of us are accustomed to fireworks and cookouts on the 4th of July when happiness abounds among family and friends.

Today we will discuss a few lesser known but worthy holidays in July, to help us smile.

We will start with July 11th with All American Pet Photo Day and Cheer up the Lonely Day. Then July 23rd, Gorgeous Grandma Day and we will wrap up with National Lipstick Day

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.

Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.

You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 50 A Special Milestone!

When did you mark your last milestone? What was it?

Your milestones are significant events in your life.  While there is no special time for any milestone what is important is, what you are marking something of interest.  It could be the beginning of something new or the ending of something accomplished.

On the Cup of Glo Podcast we celebrate women age 50 and older with a focus on happiness.  We take it further by honoring the beginning of each decade from age 50 to 100 and we’re proud of each decade.  The Feisty 50s Milestone Diva is full of energy, confident, playful, and ready for any adventure!  The Sassy 60s Milestone Diva does her thing without regrets loud and proud!  The Saucy 70s Milestone Diva continues where sassy left off and going strong!  The Exciting 80s Milestone Diva knows that the good days are not over.  She still has a zest for life and is happy to share it!  The Nifty 90s Milestone Diva moves to her heart’s content.  She may be more relaxed, but she has not stopped yet!  The Awesome 100s Milestone Diva can do whatever she pleases.  Anything she does is an inspiration for the rest of us.

Overall, you are a Milestone Diva if you are bold, confident, enthusiastic, and love living life all out!

Another Milestone for the Cup of Glo Podcast is publishing our 50th episode today!

When we launched the show in March 2020, we were hopeful that we would reach 5 episodes.  Look at us now, ten times greater!

We humbly say, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for listening.  This day would not have been possible without you.

To all guests who appeared on the Cup of Glo Podcast, in the studio or via SKYPE.  You are appreciated.  Each of you inspire us with the way you serve our community.  Whether it is through your books or your jewelry and crafts or your dancing or the stories you shared, you brought a special element of inspiration that touched the rest of us.  We look forward to your next appearance for more.

We have a special shout-out for the men who joined us to honor the women who impacted their lives and those women who inspired them.

Another shout-out to my family who patiently scheduled Sunday activities in the afternoons to allow me to have free time on Sunday mornings to publish each episode.

Finally, thank you Goldie Sound Productions.  Owner Adrian Dickey and producers Dominic Rollins, Brandon Moore and Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler.  You are the best!

Instead of a fun or interesting birthday story or trivia, we are reprising our Milestone Diva Cheer for our special milestone episode.  When you feel you need a little boost, in between episodes go ahead and recite the Milestone Diva Cheer to put a smile on your face.

Feisty, Sassy, Saucy are we, Exciting, Nifty, and Awesome you see, 

Every second, minute, or hour, Bold, wise, owning our power!

In tees and jeans or a fancy frock, … Milestone Divas Rock!



Episode 49 How Do You Serve?

Are you waiting for our intro question for today?

If you’ve listened to more than 2 episodes of The Cup of Glo Podcast then you know that we always start with a theme related question.


The question for today is: How do you serve?

It is not important what you know or how new you are to the service you provide. What is important is what you share with others to help them grow.

On this podcast, we always provide opportunities to recognize and celebrate birthdays with our listeners by offering a fun story or fun birthday trivia.  Today’s birthday trivia is:

Marilyn Monroe’s, “Happy Birthday, Mr President,” tribute is the most famous, birthday song rendition ever!

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please go to to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.



Episode 48 Show, Grow, and Know with Lesa Edwards, CEO, Exclusive Career Coach

When was the last time you engaged in a job search or helped someone else with their job search?

How much easier could it have been with a professional career coach on your side?

Our guest today, Lesa Edwards is a Master Resume Writer, Certified Job Search Strategist, Certified Executive and Leadership Development Coach, award-winning podcaster (The Exclusive Career Coach), Master Practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and national speaker on job search topics. Her practice includes clients on every continent except Antarctica.

Lesa is focused on helping high-achieving mid-career professionals navigate their career and job search.

Lesa has presented for organizations including National Association of Colleges and Employers, Diagio, Topps Corporation, Capital City Bank, Walton County Sherriff’s Department, and Florida Virtual School.

Lesa holds a Master of Public Administration degree from Columbus State University and a bachelor’s degree in music education from Florida State University.

Get more career coaching from Lesa at:


Episode 47 Enjoying RV Living with Jerri Jean Heywood

What is your dream home in retirement?  Is it a villa in Italy, a cottage on the beach, a cabin in the woods?

Our guest this evening and her husband have blended their love for traveling, adventure and making friends by living in a house on wheels.

Jerri Jean Heywood has been married to her retired Air Force husband, Scooter for 9 years. They have lived full time in their RV for about 5 of those years with their dog, Carlee.  Jerri Jean and Scooter began their RV life in Cooper City, Florida and made their way as far west as Palm Springs CA, and most recently as far south as Key West FL.  Jerri Jean loves water, beaches, and wildlife, especially in Florida!  She enjoys country music and live bands!  Jerri Jean and Scooter ride motorcycles, scuba dive, and enjoy the outdoors.  She loves cocktails with friends and helping dogs learn to be happy and well behaved.  Between the two of them, she and her husband have four grown daughters and seven grandchildren, who are their pride and joy!

Jerri Jean is also an Independent Stylist for Color Street, which provides a vast array of colors and nail art designs.  You can check out her offerings at

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 46 Ronald Fowler Jr. Honoring His Woman of Impact

We asked several men to talk about the women who impacted their lives. We’ve heard about a terrific sister, an exceptional mother and today our guest, Ronald Fowler, Jr will share his wonderful grandmother with us.

Ronald has been an Information Technology (IT) professional for more than 10 years and is an alumnus of Florida A & M University.   He is also a member of We Can Speak-Podemos Hablar, a local Toastmasters International club, where he serves as Sgt-at-Arms.  Today, he is honoring his grandmother, Marjorie D. Williams who has been a guidance counselor, teacher, and volunteer in the Leon County School System for more than 30 years.

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon Moore, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 45 Choose Joy with Babs Plunkett

When was the last time you felt joyful? What have you done recently that’s contributed to your happiness?

Babs Plunkett is a passionate advocate for positive aging. To help herself and others live joyfully, she became a Life Coach and Certified Professional Retirement Coach. As the best-selling author of Choose Joy: Three Keys to Investing Your Time in Retirement, she interviewed over 100 people across the country, gaining their inspiration and insights on positive aging.

Babs said, “The original source of my passion for aging well was my crabby grandma who moved in with us when I was 13 years old and her unhappy presence made a lifelong impression on me.”

For the next four decades, Babs studied positive aging and paid attention to people who chose joy. She asked those who were living joyfully if they had always been that way. Were they upbeat as a kid or did they decide to be positive? Babs has indicated that she felt genuine relief to learn we’re not destined to crabbiness. Aging well is a choice. We can choose joy.

You can get more information about Babs Plunkett and Choose Joy at

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

 Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.


Episode 44 Pat Stanford’s Fixing Boo Boo and Proverbs of My Seasons

Pat Stanford was born in Philadelphia. Her farming family moved to Delray Beach, Florida when she was one, looking for year-round growing seasons. She lived there until a brief stint in the Air Force took her to California.

She graduated Florida State University with a Secondary Education, which was never used for its intended purpose. She has poetry published in several anthologies and won second place in the 2004 Seven Hills Contest with her short story, Divorce Sale. Her book, Fixing Boo Boo, is a slightly fictionalized account of what happens when a brain-injured sibling comes to live with a sister who doesn’t know what that means.

After being introduced to growing roses by her father, Pat created her own rose garden. She served as President of the local rose society and is a bronze medal recipient with the American Rose Society.

Pat lives in Tallahassee, Florida with her husband and a quirky cat, and is currently working on a follow-up to Fixing Boo Boo as well as a novel set in Mongolia.  Pat has two books of poetry: Proverbs of My Seasons Poetry of Transition and A Motley Miscellany Misfit Poems that Fit Together. You can find all of Pat’s books at Amazon or Documeant Publishing

Today’s program was brought to you by Replay Fitness, Inc. helping women age 50 and older to retire happy and feel good again.  Please send your email to [email protected] to join our waitlist and be informed when new sessions are open.

If you’ve already subscribed to The Cup of Glo Podcast, thank you!  If you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe so you will be notified when new episodes have been posted.

 Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Producers: Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler, Brandon, and Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins.




Episode 43 An Introduction to Wines with Gwenda Kenon, Independent Wine Consultant

You are in for a treat today!  We are going to discuss wine, the pairing of wines and more about wine!  Our guest, Gwenda V Kenon is an Independent Wine Consultant and Owner of Vinifera Finance and Accounting, an accounting and bookkeeping firm geared towards those in the Wine Industry.

Gwenda is a graduate from NW Wine Academy of South Seattle Community College earning her two Certifications in Wine Marketing and Sales and Food and Wine Pairing, she also received a Certification from Sonoma State University Wine Business Institute Program in Wine Business Finance and Accounting.  Gwenda is an avid traveler, and advocate for Washington Wines; you can follow her on her Facebook page Wines & Food Travels where you will find all sorts of information on Food and Wine Pairings, great travel locations and wine events throughout the world.

You can learn more wines and Gwenda’s online wine store at

Gwenda lives in Seattle, Washington with her two Cats Milo and Chai.