
Reflections on Women Leaders in the Church, S2 Ep18

Today’s episode is my reflection on the Women Leaders of the Church series.

There are countless women serving in their churches and communities every day.  Even though The Cup of Glo Podcast series was limited to highlighting 4 of them in Tallahassee, let Dr. Judy Mandrell, Apostle Cheryl Williams, Siterra Wallace, and Pastor Doris Simpson neé Powell be your inspiration to make a difference in the world as only you can.  In the words of Dr. Judy, “Dream Big!”

Links for references in this series:

Dr Judy Mandrell

Life Changers Church of God in Christ,

Dream Builders Greatness Center, Inc.,

Real Talk with Judy Radio Show,

Apostle Cheryl Williams

Imitators of God Ministries, Colossal Vivacious Church, Inc:

Redeeming Lives, Inc.:

Pastor Doris Simpson née Powell

Polish After the Furnace International Ministries:

Replay Fitness FGA,

Special thanks to Goldie Sound Productions,

Owner: Adrian Dickey, Engineer: Ava Albert and Music by Dominic Rollins


Dreaming Big with Dr Judy Mandrell S2 Ep14

Today we are speaking with Dr Judy Mandrell who is:

  1. The founder and Chief Executive Officer of Dream Builders Greatness Empowerment Center, Inc, a Non-profit organization designed to help people.
  2. The woman serving faithfully and wholeheartedly by her husband’s side in the ministry of Life Changers Church of God in Christ, Incorporated, in Tallahassee as Co-Pastor, and
  3. The host of the Real Talk with Judy Radio Show.

Her motto is: “If I can help somebody as I travel along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or a song, if I can show somebody that they’re traveling wrong then my living will not be in vain.”  Dr. Mandrell’s life represents her motto as she lives to help others.

Links for references in this episode:

Life Changers Church of God in Christ,

Dream Builders Greatness Center, Inc.,

Real Talk with Judy Radio Show,

Replay Fitness FGA,

Special thanks to Goldie Sound Productions

Owner: Adrian Dickey, Engineer: Ava Albert and Music by Dominic Rollins