
Episode 50 A Special Milestone!

When did you mark your last milestone? What was it?

Your milestones are significant events in your life.  While there is no special time for any milestone what is important is, what you are marking something of interest.  It could be the beginning of something new or the ending of something accomplished.

On the Cup of Glo Podcast we celebrate women age 50 and older with a focus on happiness.  We take it further by honoring the beginning of each decade from age 50 to 100 and we’re proud of each decade.  The Feisty 50s Milestone Diva is full of energy, confident, playful, and ready for any adventure!  The Sassy 60s Milestone Diva does her thing without regrets loud and proud!  The Saucy 70s Milestone Diva continues where sassy left off and going strong!  The Exciting 80s Milestone Diva knows that the good days are not over.  She still has a zest for life and is happy to share it!  The Nifty 90s Milestone Diva moves to her heart’s content.  She may be more relaxed, but she has not stopped yet!  The Awesome 100s Milestone Diva can do whatever she pleases.  Anything she does is an inspiration for the rest of us.

Overall, you are a Milestone Diva if you are bold, confident, enthusiastic, and love living life all out!

Another Milestone for the Cup of Glo Podcast is publishing our 50th episode today!

When we launched the show in March 2020, we were hopeful that we would reach 5 episodes.  Look at us now, ten times greater!

We humbly say, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for listening.  This day would not have been possible without you.

To all guests who appeared on the Cup of Glo Podcast, in the studio or via SKYPE.  You are appreciated.  Each of you inspire us with the way you serve our community.  Whether it is through your books or your jewelry and crafts or your dancing or the stories you shared, you brought a special element of inspiration that touched the rest of us.  We look forward to your next appearance for more.

We have a special shout-out for the men who joined us to honor the women who impacted their lives and those women who inspired them.

Another shout-out to my family who patiently scheduled Sunday activities in the afternoons to allow me to have free time on Sunday mornings to publish each episode.

Finally, thank you Goldie Sound Productions.  Owner Adrian Dickey and producers Dominic Rollins, Brandon Moore and Barrington “DJ Plae” Fowler.  You are the best!

Instead of a fun or interesting birthday story or trivia, we are reprising our Milestone Diva Cheer for our special milestone episode.  When you feel you need a little boost, in between episodes go ahead and recite the Milestone Diva Cheer to put a smile on your face.

Feisty, Sassy, Saucy are we, Exciting, Nifty, and Awesome you see, 

Every second, minute, or hour, Bold, wise, owning our power!

In tees and jeans or a fancy frock, … Milestone Divas Rock!