
Episode 110 Focus on Financial Freedom

We hear a lot these days about the great resignation, where many people are leaving their jobs with no urgent need of replacing them.  As well as many others are taking early retirement and traipsing off on wild adventures.

Do you wonder like I do how can they do that?  Surely there aren’t that many Trust Fund Babies in our towns.  Of course not.

Wouldn’t it be great to have enough money to live your life to its fullest?

With a little bit of focus you can have enough money, if you’re willing to plan and stick to a budget. A well-planned budget enables you to make financial decisions that support your happiness and peace of mind.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 109 Promoting the Power of Poetry

Since 1996 April has been designated as National Poetry Month by the Academy of American Poets.

Beyond rhythmic verses, metaphors, and sometimes flowery language, poetry can be beneficial in at least two ways.  One is that poetry can help us improve our critical thinking skills as we try to understand what the author is telling us.  Poetry encourages us to think of things from different points of view similar to many brain gym exercises that are designed to improve brain functions.  Poetry is a fun way to keep our brains sharp.

A second way that poetry can be beneficial for you is its healing powers.  Whether you are writing poetry yourself, reading or listening to someone else’s work, poetry can help us channel our emotions to get through stressful, traumatic or depressive situations.

  1. You can celebrate National Poetry Month by writing a poem or two of your own, or
  2. You can attend a poetry event at your local library or neighborhood café. You may even try organizing one for friends, or
  3. Consider dusting off the books on your bookshelf and reading a few poems.

You may remember our former guests, Pat Stanford and Bobby Blackmon who are authors of books that contain poetry.  In honor of National Poetry Month, we will share some of their works with you.  For more information about Pat Standford go to:  For information about Bobby Blackmon go to

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 108 Improving Your Relationship with Money

Today we’re discussing something we all need and want.  Money

This is the third time that our guest, Olivia Jones is joining us to share great things.  Olivia has been featured in the book, Heart Notes An Anthology of inspiring Letters to Matters of the Heart, Volume 1.

Olivia Jones has served as an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay for over 20 years.  She enjoys teaching others how they can live their dreams.  You can reach Olivia at [email protected] or

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 107 The Body Joyful with Anne Poirier

Having overcome her own eating, food, weight, and body image challenges and drawing upon close to 4 decades of experience, Anne Poirier wrote ‘The Body Joyful’ to share her highly personal and life-changing journey. Anne is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Body Confidence Coach, Self-Talk Trainer, Eating Disorder Specialist and Author.

Anne is the leader the Body Joyful Revolution Community. An online safe non-judgmental space for women of all sizes, shapes and weights, who want to feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies and selves.  To learn more about Anne Poirier, visit or follow her @annepoirier11 on Instagram.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 106 Make Your Walks Fun

Have you heard the quote: “No matter how slow you go you are lapping everybody on the couch?

Yes, this episode is about the dreaded E-word, exercise.  If it helps for you to think of it as a friendlier M-word, movement then please make your plan, for moving about your health, feelings or mood versus losing weight or how you look.  When your movement plan is about taking care of your body because you love your body and you want to maintain your body as well as you can for as long as you can then you’re doing it out of love.  The real love for yourself…

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 105 Raise Your Expectations of Yourself

Why Raise Your Expectations of Yourself?

If you’re perfectly happy with your current situation in life, you might be wondering why you would want to raise your expectations. Well, when you expect more, you will drive yourself to achieve more.

Think about a time when you’ve expected nothing out of a situation. Chances are you weren’t unhappy with the results because you didn’t really care, but at the same time you probably weren’t driven and fulfilled either.

While having greater expectations opens you up and makes you more vulnerable to failure, you can also have big rewards too. It’s worth it in the end because a negative experience is still an experience that you can learn from. A positive experience may provide you with one of those life-defining moments that make you happy to be alive.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 104 Open Your Mind to Optimism

How do you see your life?  Do you see yourself as a glass-half full person or a glass half empty person?

You’re a glass half full person if you view life positively and you seem to be upbeat all the time. Even if some people claim to be annoyed by your constant cheerfulness, they are indeed glad to be around you so they can feed off your joy.

You are a glass half empty person if negativity resides in your mind.  Regardless of the situation, you will see the negatives.  You will point out everything that went wrong and can continue to go wrong.  Other people avoid you so you are frequently lonely.

Good news! Your outlook on life does not have to be categorized into one of two personality types such as the glass half full or the glass half empty type.  You can easily improve your optimism level, open your mind, and have a happy life.

Being optimistic might seem like a large task, but there are simple things you can do to improve your outlook. If you practice each day, you’ll be doing yourself a great favor, since your mind is the very foundation for achieving success and fulfillment.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.  Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 103 Celebrate Milestone Divas Day

Spring is the season of the year when we delight in seeing flowers. Spring is also associated with rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal.  We can start this new season with a new celebration. Milestone Divas Day!  A very special day to honor women aged 50 and older who exhibit confidence, enthusiasm, and strength through their character and contributions to society.


Milestone Divas Day is celebrated the 3rd Saturday of March.  You can celebrate by gathering with the Milestone Divas in your life, from a good meal to an outing at your local park.  Who knows, you may run into another Milestone Diva and together you can recite the Milestone Divas Cheer:

Feisty, Sassy, Saucy are we

Exciting, Nifty, and Awesome you see

Every second, minute or hour

Bold, wise, owning our power

In tees and jeans or a fancy frock

Milestone Divas Rock!

Feel free to share your festivities by using the hashtag #milestonedivasday.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.  Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 102 Happiness is More Than Feeling Good

Why is happiness more than just feeling good?

In addition to feeling good, happiness is also important to your health, success, and relationships.

Your happiness isn’t just important to you. It’s also important to your friends, family, and your employer.

Happy people are healthier. Happier people get sick less frequently and less severely on the average. A bad mood is bad for your immune system, too.

Happy people are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

You don’t need major research studies to see some effects of happiness or unhappiness around you every day.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.


Episode 101 Milestones in Matrimony

What is the most special relationship in your life?

Could it be the bond you have with your romantic partner?

I enjoy hearing stories of how couples met and how they make their relationships last through decades.  We’ve had several guests on The Cup of Glo who shared cute relationship moments with us.  Here are a few reminders for you.

We’ll start with a way to meet, from episode 40 with Kelly McGrath…

Once you’ve met your special someone you want to keep it going.  In her episode of She Has a Story to Tell, Robin Collins told us about celebrating her Ruby anniversary.  Talk about longevity! Wow!

In episode 51, we chatted with newlyweds Brenda and Skip Nelson, confirming that it is never too late to have happiness in your special relationship.

Has your special relationship moved beyond the marriage ceremony to blissful matrimony?  I sure hope so.

Make the most of 2022 by adding Relax and Recharge, A Society of Milestone Divas Summer Retreat, to your schedule of events.

Join other Milestone Divas, women aged 50 and older, for this oceanside retreat, at the beautiful Shores Resort and Spa, in Daytona Beach Shores, FL, from August 5 to 8, 2022. Enjoy a few days of relaxation, taking time for yourself to recharge after enduring the pandemic, and making new friends.

Contact: Chynell Jefferson, Travel Advisor at Holiday Cruises and Tours for Retreat & Hotel Reservations by telephone at (850) 386-7327 Ext. 206. For more information go to

Thank you for listening to The Cup of Glo Podcast.  We love what we do and sharing a few moments with you.  Please remember to subscribe and tell your friends about the podcast.  You may email your comments to us at [email protected]

Until next week, this has been The Cup of Glo Podcast with Gloria Darling, your Sassy 60s Milestone Diva asking you to celebrate each day and spread happiness your way!

Special thanks to: Goldie Sound Productions Owner Adrian Dickey, Producers: Dominic “Freaky Neek” Rollins, and Ava Albert.